
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Wheels Are In Motion!

After weeks of waiting, we received our letter of authorization today!! I'm beyond thrilled, but now the real work starts! I now can send our visa application packages off to the Embassy in Washington. Once they send them back, (fingers crossed there are NO snags) I email a copy of the visas to Steven's company for them to book our airfare.

So we won't know know for sure the set date we're leaving until we have the confirmed flight itinerary in our hands. Here's what we do know: the flights I plan on requesting only fly out Tuesdays through Fridays, so that slightly shapes when we can leave.

As soon as those visas come back, I have to hit the ground RUNNING. Utilities have to be cut off, my car has to be sold, final bills requested and paid. Another critical eye has to be cast over our clothes and belongings. "Okay Erin, no joke now, what do we REALLY need or can't live without!"

It's strange but I feel very stressed out all of a sudden. More I think than I've felt during these last few weeks of waiting. I almost can't enjoy this small triumph because my stomach is clenched tight again in anticipation of the next stage in the process. I'm already worrying about all that could go wrong to delay us instead of savoring all that has finally gone right to get us to this point.  Time to take a deep breath and a quick step back. I need to decide my next few moves and make lists. Lists are my lifesaver; there's nothing I do in life without lists. It helps me focus, prioritize and relax knowing I don't have to try to hold every bit of critical info in my brain, afraid I'll forget something important. I need to take a lesson from my dog: Stretch out and take a quick nap. It's all going to work out fine:)

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