
Friday, November 29, 2013

The Second Most Welcome Sight!

They arrived today around noon. Who are they, you ask? Not who, but what. Our visas!! Finally! Finally! Finally! The Saudi Embassy took exactly a week to process and return them and seeing how that time incorporates a weekend AND a holiday, that part happened pretty quick.

Steven gets into work on Sunday and will request out tickets. Now when they actually book our flights and for what date, well, that's up in they air. We will be asking to fly out on Tuesday, which if they're in agreement leaves us very little time to get everything done! But you know I'll get it done!

Took my car down to a dealership, got it appraised and will sell it tomorrow morning. I just got my one year anniversary of sale in the mail today! This is the second RX I've had to sell quickly and I'm beginning to think this car is a jinx! Lol

So anyways, here's what all the fuss has been over:

The stamp itself is only slightly larger than a postage stamp. How strange that something so physically insignificant can hold so much power over our lives...I've thought of little else since Steven left 14 
July...four and a half months later, voila!  It's the second most beautiful sight. The first?--our flight itinerary. Now that I'll actually kiss! :)

Side note: I'm up to 1,032 page views! Thanks to all of you for supporting my blog and giving me an outlet to be creative and keep you updated at the same time!

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