
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cheap Drugs

A few weeks ago I visited our local hospital to see about some pretty severe, recurring pain I was having in both my shoulders. First, I saw the Orthopedic Specialist and he prescribed x-rays, as well as a blood test to rule out arthritis. (I was a little nonplussed as I didn't think I was THAT old, but headed off the lab nonetheless.) I've addresses medical standards here in an earlier post, but I will say that while the lab was nowhere as nice or clean as any in the US, it was decent enough to not make me wrinkle my nose in disgust. The tech was very friendly--until she saw my tattoo. Her eyes widened as she asked what it was in a mildly disapproving tone. I explained what it was and informed her that my country was very different, that the girls there are free to make choices about getting things like tattoos. She still seemed hesitant about it but treated me very professionally. 

Next, I got my X-rays done. I still find it hard to be X-rayed naked or in my bra. They do not have hospital gowns or paper gowns, at least not that I've seen the two times in two different facilities that I've been. After waiting an hour for results, the diagnosis was Bursitis, as near as I can tell inflammation of some part of my shoulder (Dr. Oz I am not! Lol). I was prescribed an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxant. The doctor wrote my name and the name of the meds on a sticky note and that was what I took to the pharmacy. The charge? 5 SAR, or $1.33. 

When I traveled out of the country in July, we dropped by a pharmacy first to pick up Cipro, a widely used, all encompassing antibiotic often used by travelers that pick up the "wrong" kind of souvenir. No prescription needed, it cost me 15 SAR, or $4 over the counter. Though we are provided pretty spectacular insurance, (the entire visit plus tests cost us 24 SAR or $6.40) the meds cost very little even without it. I can't help but think every time about the drug manufacters that sell their products for peanuts here and charge 10-20 times more in the States. Perhaps there's something I'm missing about the Px drug game, but I haven't been able to figure it out...

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