
Friday, December 20, 2013

He ALMOST Did It...

We had been waiting to get Boo his first haircut because we wanted to make an event out of it. We decided the big event would happen at Disneyland Paris! We'd prepped him on what to expect, even took him through the steps, reenacting what would happen. We made a beeline for the barbershop, made the reservation, and waited our turn! Boo was excited, asking questions, a very proud little boy! He sat in the chair on a booster, the cape was placed around his neck, and his lip quivered. Then, Domenico, the barber, took out his scissors, Kellan's face screwed up, the tears started, he ripped at the cape and refused for the cut to start. After a few seconds of pleading, we saw it was useless to keep trying. We had gotten the last available appointment that day, so we couldn't wait and see if he changed his mind. Quite a letdown, but the cute thing? Kellan thinks because he sat in the chair he got a haircut and proudly announces he deserves presents for "getting a haircut"! :)

We love his hair either way!

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