
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Settling In

So it's been a few days since Steven landed at Abha Airport and made the short 15 min drive or so to the compound that'll be home for a while.  First order of business was heading to the base where the schoolhouse he'll be teaching at is located. After meeting the head of the school he was shown around. He was pleased to see his own office, and to learn that he will in complete charge of the part of the program he will be instructing, down to approving and/or tailoring the curriculum if necessary.  His schedule will normally be 7-3, but during the holiday times (like now for Ramadan) he'll be working 10-3! Sheesh!

As for getting around? The company provides transportation to and from school, and he's been hitching rides with new friends to go into town. The compound (henceforth known as Nassim) also has a regular shuttle schedule providing transportation into town to different locations.

He was assigned bachelor quarters until he completes his probation period and we're cleared to come, at which time he'll receive our house. He's been able to visit a few places in the city, a grocery store and their equivalent to a Bed Bath and Beyond, and Best Buy. First purchase? A wireless router so he'd have WiFi to FaceTime and Skype us. So far, communication has been pretty reliable, although it works best when we're both on WiFi.

He was pleased to see all the items he'd need to make a decent gravy (spaghetti sauce for all you non-Italians) and made sure to send me a picture that would set my mind at ease.

His work has already given him a list of ideal times to take vacation, (or go on holiday as the Brits and the French put it.)  Soooo, we have been discussing where we want to potentially spend Christmas, and are tentatively planning for...Paris! It's always been a dream of mine, and we really want to spend Christmas in a Christian country. Just makes sense right?  Seeing the Christmas lights on the Champs Élysées, taking an evening cruise down the River Seine, touring the Palace of Versailles, tons of wine, wine and more wine, (with a little champagne to top it all off) and yep, you guessed it, Disneyland Paris for the baby, and okay, for me too! I'm such a Disneyphile.)  A little something for everyone! Plus, I'll get to dust off my VERY rusty French which hasn't been used since we visited Nice and Monte Carlo on our honeymoon back in 2009.  

As for me, I'm trying to ensure we'll be ready to go as soon as we're cleared, prioritizing what needs to be done and when for our residence visa application. Also, it's amazing how much stuff one accumulates in adulthood! So much needs to be thrown out or donated.  I'm only bringing three pieces of luggage for myself, so I've gotta make my space count and only bring those pairs of shoes and pieces of clothing and jewelry I love and absolutely can't live without. Right now that includes my black riding boots, my Tiffany's silver, my old movie collection and some pictures. Hmmm, looking at my list this might be easier than I thought:)

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