
Saturday, November 29, 2014

On Our Way...Almost

9 Suitcases, 2 Backpacks, 1 Stroller, 1 Car seat, 1 Tote bag and a Partridge in a Pear Treeeeee!! Whew! We leave for the airport in a couple of hours for what will be the start to almost 25 hours of travelling back home to Houston for the holidays. 

The house has been cleaned, all the laundry done, closets and drawers  double and triple checked to make sure nothing has been left behind that shouldn't have been. The fridge has been cleaned out, beds made, computer shut down, A/C turned off.

Our traveling clothes were laid out, ready to be donned, online check-in completed, boarding passes printed out. Benadryl has been packed, snacks have been packed, my anti-anxiety pills (for flying) have been packed--all three packed where I can get to them quickly:)

In short, we are ready. Too bad we thought we were leaving yesterday and did the EXACT same things last night. Except when I went to check in online, I received an error message stating you have to be within 23 hours of travel--which we were not--because our flight wasn't leaving until TONITE!!

We were numb with shock. How had we messed that up? We'd lined up a ride to the airport, everything packed and in the hallway, and we were accidentally a DAY EARLY?!

Needless to say, we chalked it up to nerves and stress, laughed disbelievingly all night, and went to bed, ready to do it all again tonite, which we did. But the itinerary has been checked, we know we're good this time, and we're anxious to be off. We'll be in Houston Sunday afternoon. Wish us luck:)

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