
Monday, August 5, 2013

What Would Chuck Do?

A couple of days ago, the State Department issued an emergency message that recommended "worldwide caution". Among other things, the message alerts U.S. citizens to the potential for terrorist attacks particularly in the Middle East and possibly occurring or emanating from the Arabian  Peninsula. Twenty-two U.S. embassies and consulates were closed worldwide, and later, four more in Africa made the closure list. Also deciding to err on the side of caution, Britain, Germany, and Norway followed suit with closings of their own. The warning expires 31 August.

Though I'm signed up for alerts from the State Department, I got the news from Steven first. He called to make sure I was aware of this vague threat, and to make sure I wasn't worried. Well of course I was--a little. I'm always concerned whenever Steven's away, it's part of my nature; my protective side comes out. But the truth is, in spite of the warning, I still feel I'll be safer in Saudi than I am here. The last major attack against westerners happened in 2007, with prior attacks tapering after
2003. In contrast, the Boston bombing happened in April of this year. The toddler shot in the face? It happened in March.  Sandy Hook happened December 2012, and Trayvon was murdered in February of last year.

Bad things happen here all the time. Every day. Every hour unspeakable crimes are committed by crooks, crazies and lately by kids.  Saudi has its share of problems, but this kind of widespread horrific crime just isn't one of them. That's not to say robberies, rapes and other things don't happen, just not anywhere matching the per capita crime rate we have in our country.  Guess why?  Because they punish offenders. Really punish them. Besides fines and jail time, floggings, amputations and executions actually enforced cause potential offenders to think twice.

I think I've finally realized our country is hopelessly mired in futile legislation, held hostage by big corporations and their lobbyists from having common sense gun control discussions and stuck with a penal system that doesn't work and never will.  Guess what, we're still the greatest nation in the world because we'll keep trying to get it right. But that doesn't mean I necessarily feel safe here. So I have to laugh a little when I see the warning regarding threats in the Middle East. I wish somebody here would issue me a warning when bad things are about to happen.  It'd be nice to know that the guy shopping next to me in Target has been snuffing bath salts and is about to bite my face off as I shop for $12 shoes. I'd also really appreciate a heads up when the guy whose family has known he's been mentally ill for years buys that semi automatic at the gun show with no background check and blows me away in the Chick-Fil-A drive through out of impatience with my inability to decide between their chicken club sandwich or their chicken strips. (Both are good by the way!). But we don't get these warnings, so I have to always walk around with what I like to call my "I-am-absolutely-NOT-in-the-mood-to-get-raped-today-so-don't-even-try-it!" face and believe me when I say it's NOT pretty, (and it makes my facial muscles tired!)

So anyway, Steven's still going to work each day, and just choosing to lay a little lower in his off time. This means less time in town and more time inside his house. I told him that just leaves him more time to catch up on Walker, Texas Ranger reruns. Oh yes people, Chuck Norris is everywhere!:)

1 comment:

  1. A ninja kick to the face with crocodile skin boots is what chuck would do... Dat boy a' TEXAN!


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