
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mediterranean Cruise 2014-Cannes and Malta

Our next stop was Cannes, France, situated on the French Riviera. The city has a lovely waterfront promenade, and while we'd been to Nice and Monte Carlo on our last cruise, we had not visited Cannes. We walked down their main shopping street, popping in shops, and enjoying the gorgeous weather. We ate at a cute outdoor cafe attached to a little amusement area pour les enfants (for kids;) and watched Kel ride (yet another) carrousel and other rides.

View of the marina from the promenade

Next we visited Valletta, Malta, an island conquered many times over during its several hundred year history. We took a double decker bus around the island seeing the main sites, and ended up at their wharf shopping and dining area. Some of the best pizza I've ever had was served by one of the cafés there!

The outdoor cafe we ate at-it had WiFi!:)

Yet another of Kel's cultural souvenirs!:) 


Saturday, October 4, 2014

It's That Time of Year Again...Hajj!

It's Haaaajj tiiiiiiime!! Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Every Muslim that is financially and physically able is required to make the trip at least once in their lives. Hajj also happens to be the largest gathering of people in the world. 

We had wanted to leave for Hajj mainly because Steven was given 11 days off (with weekends) separate from his leave days! By the time we thought about leaving, there were no available flights out to go anywhere. 
But then we started thinking about the tens of thousands of people from every corner of the world converging on all of Saudi's airports, carrying every type of germ imaginable and we got completely freaked out and decided it was for the best we couldn't fly out. (I will pass on Ebola this year, thank you!)

Anyway, we have spent the first few days off going on early morning nature hikes, swimming at the pool, going to the mall, and taking sunset walks, enjoying the cool breeze and spending time as a family:) While I started off frustrated that we had missed out on traveling, it has turned into one of the best "stay-cations" we've ever had! Now excuse me, we've got guacamole to make and drinks to mix because we have a date with the House Hunters International marathon!!:)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Out and About-Pt. 2

Always nice to see familiar sights, but the fun is in spotting unusual menu items--like the McArabia...

Or these Camembert cheese bites!

Love this huge shopping cart sculpture outside the grocery store Hyper Panda! I guess it's our claim to fame?

And at the end of a successful shopping day, a dozen Krispy Kremes goes a looong way towards overall happiness!:)